United4Surveillance - Union and National Capacity Building 4 IntegraTED Surveillance


UNITED4Surveillance is a joint action of EU4Health with 40 partners from all over Europe. The aim of United4Surveillance is to enable more comprehensive surveillance, prevention and control of infectious diseases in the EU. At the same time, the surveillance of potential epidemics in Europe and beyond will be expanded to enable better global health security.

Project description

The early detection of pathogens that can trigger epidemics and the continuous monitoring of zoonoses are important tools in the fight against pandemics. The global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak has shown that the response to pandemics must be improved at European level. Timely and effective surveillance at EU and national level is crucial in order to be able to react quickly.

UNITED4Surveillance contributes to the implementation of the new health security framework under the EU Regulation on serious cross-border threats to health (2022/2371). The project also supports the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The digitalisation of surveillance systems plays a key role by facilitating the exchange and access to health data. UNITED4Surveillance contributes to building surveillance capacity in Europe and beyond to improve global health security.

Benefits of the project

The aim of United4Surveillance is to strengthen the surveillance systems for infectious diseases at national level. The focus is on the three central technical work packages Outbreak Detection (WP2), Hospital Surveillance (WP3) and One Health Surveillance (WP4).

Project details

Project title: Union and National Capacity Building 4 IntegraTED Surveillance

Project acronym: United4Surveillance

Project management: Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands

Project management AGES: Dr Bernhard Benka

Project partners: 40 partners from all over Europe, details of the partner organisations on the project website

Funding: UNITED4Surveillance is funded by the European Union under the EU4Health Programme (EU4H), project ID 101102070.

Projektlaufzeit: 01.2023-12.2025

Last updated: 04.09.2024

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