
AGES is a limited liability company that is wholly owned by the Republic of Austria. Its shareholder rights are exercised by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management. On behalf of its owners, AGES provides various services in the areas of public health, food safety and consumer protection.

The legal basis for its work is provided by the Health and Food Safety Act (GESG), the material laws assigned to it (including the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act - LMSVG) and relevant European regulations. Furthermore, all legal bases assigned to a GmbH apply.

General conditions of purchase

The following Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively to any order placed by AGES GmbH as the ordering party.

Should the content of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of AGES deviate from the terms and conditions of the contractual partner, these shall only be binding for AGES if they have been accepted by AGES in writing.

Corporate Governance

"Corporate governance" generally refers to the responsible management of companies and their control. In the case of public companies, the term "public corporate governance" is used, which extends the original term to include, above all, the criterion of transparency.

In Austria, companies such as AGES are governed by the so-called "Public Corporate Governance Code", which was drawn up by a working group in the Federal Chancellery. It creates uniform guidelines for public companies, which are intended to make both monitoring and corporate governance more transparent.

AGES Code of Conduct

AGES stands for the values responsible, objective and competent. Our values are at the heart of everything we do and reflect our culture. The AGES Code of Conduct is the basis for morally, ethically and legally sound behavior by all our employees.

Objectivity & Impartiality

AGES and its employees are obliged to maintain objectivity, impartiality and impartiality on the basis of the Health and Food Safety Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 63/2002 as amended) and other regulations (e.g. Section 7 of the General Administrative Procedure Act, Federal Law Gazette No. 51/1991 as amended, or the ISO standards on which accreditation is based).

Since human actions can be influenced by many different factors, not only by financial considerations, but not least by individual opinions, attitudes, values and sympathy, AGES has established a comprehensive package of measures to avoid conflicts of interest.

Equal treatment, gender aspects & advancement of women

We are committed to an active equality policy and implement the provisions and requirements of the Federal Equal Treatment Act. We are actively and sustainably committed to a discrimination-free, equality-oriented working environment, as well as to a culture of recognition and mutual appreciation of all employees. We use the strategy of gender mainstreaming, which includes all measures and actions that lead to the equality of women and men under equal conditions. The goals are equal opportunities for men and women, raising awareness, balancing existing burdens and increasing the proportion of women in administrative decision-making positions (e.g. on boards, committees, juries), management functions, commissions and committees. We have established a working group for equal opportunity issues and a gender mainstreaming officer in the company.

The following measures in particular serve to promote equality between women and men

Preparation of a women's advancement plan for a period of six years

  • Evaluation of the AGES women's advancement plan every two years

Preparation of an annual income report in accordance with § 6a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act

Active promotion of female applicants for management positions

  • Support in career planning for female specialists and managers
  • Sovereignty training for female specialists and executives
  • Application coaching for female applicants
  • Targeted promotion of female management applicants and junior managers in the case of subsequent appointments
  • Raising awareness of equal treatment among managers through training measures

Promotion of female scientific experts

  • Projects as part of the BMK's "FEMTech" program, including the suceed@ages talent program
  • Support for female experts in intra-company cooperation and to promote international networking
  • Registration of female experts in national and international expert databases

Reconciliation of family and career through

  • Flexible working time models
  • Possibility of teleworking / home office
  • Vacation care for employees' children
  • Sensitization of managers through training measures
  • Extensive information, links to childcare facilities and guidelines for managers and employees in the 'parental leave package', including parental, care and educational leave as well as sabbaticals
  • Active support for employees on leave before they return to work
  • Support measures for re-entry after parental leave
  • No daytime appointments for meetings, etc.
  • Internal company offers for work-life balance, physical and mental health

Internal and external information policy

  • internal company website on equal treatment
  • internal information work such as commitment to equality, lectures, brochure on equal treatment at AGES, guideline on gender-equitable use of language, awareness-raising measures
  • Information on the protection of human dignity in the workplace, especially against bossing, mobbing or sexual harassment
  • Anchoring of the women's advancement plan in the AGNES intranet, welcome folder, integration plan
  • External information work such as participation in Girls Day/Daughters Day, no stereotypical pictorial representations of men and women in AGES publications and AGES digital media, etc.
  • Regular training of equal opportunities officers, participation in relevant networking platforms and federal working groups, etc.

In implementing the advancement of women toward de facto equality, we set the following goals:

  • Equal opportunities: recognize women as equal and equal partners in the professional world.
  • Raising awareness: Strengthen women's self-confidence and promote professional identities, increase their willingness to influence, participate, make decisions, take responsibility. Understand new ways of cooperation between women and men at work as an opportunity for both genders.
  • Advancement of women and gender mainstreaming: Increase the proportion of women in administrative decision-making positions (e.g., on boards, committees, juries), committees, commissions and management functions, maintain an already achieved quota of women. Adapt all decision-making processes, strive to reduce disadvantages for women that are imposed by existing socio-political conditions and have an impact on professional life. Anchor the strategy of gender mainstreaming in all areas of activity of AGES.
  • Balancing existing burdens: Improve the conditions for reconciling family obligations and professional interests by compensating for the disadvantages that exist due to the social division of labor. Seek acceptance of parental leave, part-time work to fulfill care responsibilities for children or relatives in need of care, especially by men.

Official signature

The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) uses the picture mark shown in the PDF document below for documents officially signed electronically.

Verification of the electronic official signature The authenticity of the official signature can be verified at or by presenting it to the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH.

Annual financial statements and management report

Our annual financial statements and management report are available for you to view in the downloads. In it you will find all the information on our company for the past year.

Last updated: 21.08.2024

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