National Reference Centres & Laboratories

National Reference Centres (NRCs) and Reference Laboratories (NRLs) are responsible for monitoring food, feed, human and animal pathogens, genetically modified organisms and certain classes of substances such as residues in live animals and animal products, and pesticide residues in food and feed. NRLs and NRCs exist in all EU member states. They are the basis for Europe-wide, harmonized testing standards in the respective areas of official control of food and feed and in the area of animal health for the diagnosis of diseases.

The legal basis is EU Regulation (EC) 625/2017, which requires each Member State to designate and notify the European Commission of one or more NRLs for specific investigations. The NRL must be accredited as a testing laboratory for the investigation in question. The scope of an NRL may cover a specific class of substances (e.g. pesticide residues), a specific group of foodstuffs (e.g. milk and dairy products) or microorganisms pathogenic to humans and animals (e.g. salmonella, BSE) or parasites (e.g. trichinae).

Our Reference Centres and Laboratories at a glance

Animal Health

National Reference Laboratory for African horse sickness

National Reference Laboratory for African swine fever

National Reference Laboratory for Aujeszkys disease

National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza

National Reference Laboratory for bluetongue

National Reference Laboratory and National Reference Center for Brucellosis

National Reference Laboratory for BVD

National Reference Laboratory for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis

National Reference Laboratory for Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

National Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever

National Reference Laboratory for capripoxviruses (lumpy skin disease and sheep and goats pox)

National Reference Laboratory for infectious bovine pleuropneumonia

National Reference Laboratory for foot-and-mouth disease

National Reference Laboratory for anthrax

National Reference Laboratory for Newcastle disease

National Reference Laboratory for Parasites

National Reference Laboratory for Paratuberculosis

National Reference Laboratory for Peste des Petits Ruminants:

National Reference Laboratory for equine diseases other than African horse sickness

National Reference Laboratory for psittacosis

National Reference Laboratory for rift valley fever

National Reference Laboratory for rinderpest

National Reference Laboratory for bovine tuberculosis

National Reference Laboratory for Teschen disease

National Reference Laboratory for rabies

National Reference Laboratory for monitoring the effectiveness of rabies vaccination

National Reference Laboratory for TSE

National Reference Laboratory for vesicular stomatitis

National Reference Laboratory for vesicular for vesicular swine disease

Radiation protection

State radioactivity measurement laboratory

Authorised monitoring body, according to StrSchG 2020

Reference Centre for technical quality assurance (RefZQS)

Last updated: 26.09.2024

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