SURVector: One Health surveillance and Vector monitoring for cross-border pathogens


Ticks and mosquitoes can transmit infectious diseases as vectors. In the SURVector project, we are setting up a nationwide mosquito and tick monitoring system. The aim of the project is to establish a one-health surveillance system for emerging pathogens, in which mosquitoes and ticks are collected and analysed for relevant pathogens.

Project description

Zoonoses are infectious diseases that can be transmitted reciprocally between animals and humans. Around 60 per cent of all human infectious diseases worldwide are caused by zoonotic pathogens. The risk of new zoonoses spreading increases with the destruction and modification of natural habitats by humans. These new zoonoses pose a considerable risk to public health as they have epidemic potential and there are hardly any diagnostic and therapeutic countermeasures available.

This project focuses on mosquito-borne West Nile viruses, tick-borne Lyme disease bacteria and Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever viruses. The project activities include the Austria-wide collection and sampling of vectors (disease vectors), species identification and pathogen screening, the expansion of capacities in the laboratories and the establishment of a national vector database for the joint utilisation of vector data. The aim is to recognise the entry of new vector species and new pathogens into Austria at an earlier stage and to continuously monitor the geographical spread of vectors and pathogens already present in the country.

Benefits of the project

The project contributes to protecting the health of humans, animals and the environment by recognising epidemics at an early stage and monitoring outbreaks of zoonotic diseases. In the spirit of a One Health approach, cross-sectoral cooperation at national and cross-border level will be strengthened and a coordination mechanism established to ensure a regular exchange of knowledge, threat reports and a joint risk assessment.

Project details

Project title: One Health surveillance and Vector monitoring for cross-border pathogens

Project acronym: SURVector

Project management: AGES, Annette Nigsch

Project partner: National Institute of Public Health (SZU, Czech Republic), University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy Kosice (UVMP, Slovakia), National Public Health and Pharmaceutical Center (NNGYK, Hungary), Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (NFCSO, Hungary), Ethnikos Organismos Dimosias Ygeias (EODY, Greece), Aristotele University of Thessaloniki (AUTH, Greece) and Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos - Dimitra (ELGO, Greece)

Funding: EU4Health Work Programme CP-g-22-04.01 (HaDEA)

Project duration: 01.2024 - 12.2026

Project website

Last updated: 04.09.2024

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