EU4H: CHESSMEN - Development of a European network against medicine shortages


The EU co-funded Joint Action CHESSMEN (Coordination and Harmonization of the Existing Systems against Shortages of Medicines – European Network) officially started its activities on January 16, 2023. The project aims to strengthen the coordinating structure, as well as optimizing the use of the available resources of all member states by supporting the existing networks and initiatives already active in the field, thereby enhancing member states cooperation. It also aims to improve cooperation between authorities in the EU/EEA member states in terms of achieving a unified response and reduce shortages of medicines.

Project description

Shortages of medicines are a longstanding and growing concern in the EU. The need for stronger EU coordination of activities and the harmonisation of approaches within member states related to the management of shortages was highlighted by different studies and reports.

CHESSMEN (Coordination and Harmonisation of the Existing Systems against Shortages of Medicines – European Network) is a joint action co-financed by the EU that addresses this issue.

The Joint Action CHESSMEN envisages to strengthen the coordinating structure, as well as optimizing the use of the available resources of all member states by supporting the existing networks and initiatives already active in the field. In order to achieve their aims, the authorities of the member states intend to enhance their cooperation in various areas.

First, the root causes of shortages of medicines will be identified. The next step is to detect and promote the best practices in monitoring, reporting and managing shortages of medicines. In addition, proposals for a common dataset for the notification and management of medicine shortages as well as preventive strategies to reduce shortages will be developed.

CHESSMEN consists of 4 administrative and 4 technical work packages that support the implementation of the Joint Action objectives. Each of these work packages is led by an authority of a different member state. The main target groups for the projects results are the relevant EU/EEA regulators, national policy makers, key stakeholders and the general public.

Benefit of the project

The EU project CHESSMEN is intended to support existing systems in the area of medicine shortages, but also to harmonise them. In the future, several initiatives in the countries will be efficiently organised, thus better coordinating the various activities against medicine shortages. A consistent approach will avoid duplicity of work. The EU project thus supports the member states to be able to participate in a common European network in the future.

Project details

Project acronym: CHESSMEN

Project Management: AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency, Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco) supported by ISS-CNS/CNT (Italian National Blood and Transplant Centers)

Project management AGES: DI Dr. Ronald Bauer and Mag. Martina Unteregger, AGES Medical Market Surveillance/Institute Surveillance

Project partners: 27 organizations from a total of 22 EU/EEA member states

  • Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA)
  • Istituto superiore di Sanita (ISS-CNS-CNT)
  • Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK)
  • Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES)
  • Health Austria GmbH (GÖG)
  • Federal Agency for Medicines and Health products (FAMHP)
  • Agencija za Lijekove i Medicinske Proizvode (HALMED)
  • Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus (PHS-MPH-CY)
  • Statni Ustav pro Kontrolu Leciv (SUKL)
  • Laegemiddelstyrelsen (DMA)
  • Ravimiamet (SAM)
  • Agence Nationale de Securite du Medicament et des Produits de Sante (ANSM)
  • Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
  • Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Products (PEI)
  • Orszagos Gyogyszereszeti es Elelmezesegeszsegugyi Intezet (OGYEI)
  • Health Products regulatory Authority (HPRA)
  • Ministere de la Sante (MOHLUX)
  • Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (NLNA)
  • Statens Legemiddelverk (NoMA)
  • Autoridade nacional do medicamento e produtos da saude IP (INFARMED)
  • Ministerul Sanatatii (MS-MoH RO)
  • Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale din Romania (NAMMDR)
  • Javna Agencija Republike Slovenije za Zdravila in Medicinske Pripomocke (JAZMP)
  • Agencia espanola de Medicamentos y productos sanitarios (AEMPS)
  • Lakemedelsverket (MPA)
  • Laakealan Turvallisuus-Ja Kehittamiskeskus (FIMEA)
  • Sveikatos Apsaugos Ministerijos Ekstremaliu Sveikatai Situaciju Centras (ESSC)

Funding: The Joint Action CHESSMEN is co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement 101082419 - EU4H-2021-JA2-IBA

Project duration: 16.01.2023 to 15.01.2026

Last updated: 04.09.2024

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