AGROECOLOGY - Living Labs and research for agroecology


The European partnership "Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures" (AGROECOLOGY) is a European research and innovation project between the European Commission and 26 Member States, associated countries and third countries. The project supports sustainable agricultural practices, strives for a better understanding of ecosystems and considers social concepts for farmers.

Project description

Current agricultural production systems have evolved through decades of scientific and technological innovation, which have helped to ensure food security in Europe. However, the changes have also led to environmental, socio-economic and cultural degradation. The intensification of agricultural systems and land use has had a negative impact on the environment and the conservation of natural resources. The agricultural sector is responsible for around 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Farmers are increasingly confronted with the consequences of climate change and more frequent extreme climate events. Many of them also do not receive sufficient income from their agricultural activities. It is clear that a fundamental change is needed to make the European agricultural sector more sustainable and resilient and better able to meet societal and political demands.

Agroecology means a better understanding of ecosystems while taking social concepts into account. This combination results in more sustainable agricultural practices and systems. Interactions between humans, animals, plants and the environment are optimised in order to produce sufficient safe, nutritious and affordable food. The limits of our planet are respected and farmers are better remunerated.

The aim of the partnership is to structure and support a network of living labs and research infrastructures that accelerate the transition to sustainable agricultural practices across Europe. Living Labs are a new form of cooperation between science and civil society, focussing on mutual learning in an experimental environment. Farmers and other stakeholders are involved in the joint development of solutions. The Living Labs directly take into account the special features that farmers are confronted with locally or in their region. Agriculture is supported that overcomes the difficulties of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and environmental protection while ensuring a profitable and attractive activity for farmers.

Benefits of the project

The transition to agroecology is being shaped together with farmers to make agriculture in Europe resilient, productive and climate-, environment- and ecosystem-friendly by 2050.

Project details

Project title: Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures

Project acronym: AGROECOLOGY

Project management: Research Centre Jülich

Project management AGES: DI Mag. DDr. Alois Leidwein

Funding: The AGROECOLOGY partnership is co-financed by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101132349

Project duration: 01.2024 - 12.2030

Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the REA can be held responsible.

Last updated: 04.09.2024

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