Product Alerts Contacts & FAQ

Important contacts

The responsible body is the official food inspection of the federal states: The food inspection can be found in the district administrative offices or magistrates. A protocol is drawn up there and the product in question is taken for examination. Further official samples will also be taken in order to follow up your complaint. This procedure does not incur any costs for you.

Burgenland Food Inspection Burgenland

Carinthia Official food supervision of the province of Carinthia

Lower Austria Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Department of Veterinary Affairs and Food Control

Upper Austria Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs

Salzburg Official Food Inspection of the Province of Salzburg

Styria Food inspection department of the Office of the Provincial Government of Styria

Tyrol Official food supervision of the province of Tyrol

Vorarlberg Official food supervision of the province of Vorarlberg

Vienna Food inspection and complaints - Market Office Vienna (MA 59)

Observations or accidents involving hazardous consumer products such as.

  • Clothing & Accessories
  • Household & furniture
  • Children's products
  • leisure & sports
  • Tools & handicraft accessories

can be reported via email

Report dangerous products

Internet fraud

The Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (ÖIAT) provides information about scam traps and malware on the Internet, provides information about data protection and fake stores, and gives useful tips for safe, responsible and competent use of digital media:

In any case, please contact your physician or pharmacist. It is also possible for patients to report side effects or adverse drug reactions electronically to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care.

In case of suspected poisoning (triggers: medicines, chemical substances, household products, addictive and stimulant substances, plants, animals or other or unknown substances), medical professionals at the Poisoning Information Center provide advice around the clock:

Poisoning Information Center Emergency Phone: +43 1 406 43 43

Inquiries regarding product warnings and product recalls can be directed to AGES:

Tel: 050 555-25000


AGES provides information on warnings and product recalls for food and children's toys (according to LMSVG - Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act), medicinal products and medical devices (according to AMG, MPG - Medicinal Products Act, Medical Devices Act) as well as for products subject to the Product Safety Act 2004. This is a service provided by AGES for the benefit of consumers without any claim to completeness. No liability or guarantee can be given for the topicality or the existence of content under the links listed. Please always obtain additional information on the official homepage of the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care and the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (product safety).

Under this term, AGES publishes information that a manufacturer:in/distributor:in has already published. Such a publication may be:

  • Public posting of the product recall in the points of sale, directly at the entrance or on the shelf where the product was offered for sale.
  • Publication on the company's homepage
  • Publication of a product recall via a suitable medium.

The company's own responsibility is identified in Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 ("General Food Law") as a central element in ensuring the safety of food and is laid down in the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act (LMSVG). The immediate initiation of countermeasures such as withdrawal from the market and the provision of information to consumers is an essential part of this concept, which is valid throughout the EU. Therefore, as soon as a manufacturer or distributor becomes aware of a product problem himself/herself or through others, he/she must take appropriate measures on his/her own initiative as part of his/her own responsibility.

The Product Safety Act 2004, which is enforced by the Ministry of Social Affairs, obliges companies to place only safe products on the market or, if necessary, to take steps to avert danger - for example, to withdraw a product from the market. If necessary, the responsible authorities can also oblige companies to take appropriate measures. In extreme cases, they may even order a recall from consumers and the destruction of a product batch.

Measures against dangerous products are exchanged throughout the EU via the RAPEX procedure.

According to § 43 LMSVG, AGES informs on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health and Women, if

  • there is a danger to the general public from goods that are harmful to health
  • according to the preliminary final report of a foodborne disease outbreak, there is a well-founded suspicion that food may endanger other people.

This information is provided under the generic term "AGES product warnings" by means of newsletters, broadcast via APA-OTS and publication on the AGES homepage.

The competent body for food, tableware, cosmetics and toys is the official food inspection of the federal states: You can find the food inspection in the district administrative offices or magistrates (see contacts). A protocol is drawn up there and the product in question is taken for examination. Further official samples will also be taken to follow up your complaint. There is no cost to you for this procedure.

Observations or accidents involving hazardous consumer products such as.

  • Clothing & Accessories
  • Household & Furniture
  • Children's products
  • leisure & sports
  • Tools & handicraft accessories

can be reported informally in writing or by e-mail, for more information seeMinistry of Social Affairs: Reporting Hazardous Products

In accordance with the General Product Safety Directive and Section 7 (4) of the Product Safety Act 2004, Federal Law Gazette I No. 16/2005, distributors are obliged to inform one of the competent authorities without delay if they discover that a product they have placed on the market poses a risk to consumers. This obligation applies primarily to corrective actions, especially recalls.

The European Commission provides an online application that allows companies to comply with this notification obligation without having to contact different national authorities. However, the use of this application is not obligatory - an informal notification is sufficient, provided that all necessary data on the product and measures are included in the notification.

With the best-beforedate, the manufacturer guarantees that the product will retain its full edibility at least until this date if it is stored properly. In general, therefore, exceeding the best-before date does not mean that a food is no longer fit for consumption. This means that a food can usually be stored for longer than the best-before date indicates. However, how much longer is difficult to predict, it depends on the product and also on the storage of the product until that time. There is a significant difference when a so-calleduse-by date("to be consumed by") is indicated on the packaging. A use-by date is applied to goods that are microbially very perishable. A product for which the use-by date has passed is no longer to be considered safe. Such a product should not be consumed under any circumstances, but disposed of immediately.

The free AGES product warning app is currently available for iPhone and Android operating systems. It can be found in your iPhone or Android app store under "AGES Product Warning App". See the Product Warnings & Product Recalls page for links to the app download. With the AGES Product Warning App, you will receive real-time information about current recalls and warnings directly to your smartphone or tablet via push notification. The notifications are always for all product categories. Filter function: The filter function is used to search for past notifications. You can filter by alerts or recalls and additionally select the product category. Your filter selection is not saved after closing the app.

Last updated: 11.09.2024

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